Film&Discussion | 27.09.2022 | 20:30
Bundesplatz Cinema | Berlin
Cooperation of the C.G. Jung Society Berlin with Bundesplatz-Kino and dfk*films
Chair: Edith Rosin | Speakers: Donat Keusch * Gabriele Sindler
USA 2010 | 108′ | Screenplay Andres Heinz & Mark Heyman | Directed by Darren Aronofsky | Cinematography Matthew Libatique | Editing Andrew Weisblum
with Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder
Psychodrama of an ambitious prima ballerina which composes envy, ambition, fear and repressed lust into a complex, brilliantly mounted, dizzying paranoia.
Every ballet dancer dreams of the double leading role of the White and Black Swan. Nina (Nathalie Portman) brings skill, grace and a relentless pursuit of absolute perfection to play the virginal and pure White Swan. But can she also embody the deception and commanding sexuality of the Black Swan. The dance director (Vincent Cassel) forces her to self-discover and allow her repressed lust. Now Nina succeeds in her metamorphosis into the Black Swan. She discovers her “dark” side, breaks out of the control schemes of her frustrated, overambitious mother, but – accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s overwhelming music – falls into a maelstrom of delusions.
About the speakers:
Edith Rosin studied psychology at the Free University of Berlin, trained as an analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Berlin, has worked in her own practice since 1996, and has been a lecturer in Active Imagination at the Lindau Psychotherapy Days since 2012.
Donat Keusch studied psychology and journalism. Experience in film distribution, world sales, production and as a lecturer. Most successful film: “YOL” (Golden Palm). For 30 years script analyst/consultant/writer under pseudonym or unnamed. “The script is the film!”
Gabriele Sindler Political Scientist | Screenplay Expert | Lecturer
Location: Bundesplatz-Kino | Bundesplatz 14 | 10715 Berlin
Fee: 10,50 € | reduced 9 €