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dfk*films @ SRN Conference 2024 | Palacký University Olomouc

Screenwriting Research Network
Conference 2024

Dates: September 11-14, 2024
Location: Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

>>> Link Programm
>>> Link  Keynote Speakers
>>> Link  Panels

dfk*films @ SRN

dfk*films | dfk*script*service will attend the 16th World Conference of the Screenwriting Research Network with three presentations:

Wednesday | September 11, 2024 | 17:00 Keynote:
Insights into the skills and the practical art of story & script development.

Friday | September 13, 2024 | 13:30 Lecture with Tsitsi Dangarembga
Intercontinental & Intercultural Collaboration | A Successful Model in Practice & Theory.

Saturday | September 14, 2024 | 10:45 Masterclass



SRN Conference 2024

The Screenwriting Research Network invites scholars, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts to participate in the Screenwriting Research Network Conference 2024. This annual event serves as a vibrant platform for the exchange of ideas, insights, and research findings in the field of screenwriting and storytelling in audiovisual media.

The central theme for SRN 2024 is Conversation Beyond Script, encouraging a broad exploration of dialogues and communication within the world of screenwriting and beyond.


The Screenwriting Research Network is a research group consisting of scholars, reflective practitioners, and practice-based researchers interested in research on screenwriting. The aim is to rethink the screenplay in relation to its histories, theories, values, and creative practices. The SRN was founded in 2006 and has since held fifteen conferences on four continents.

Tsitsi Dangarembga & Gabriele C. Sindler @ EFM | AfroBerlin

The first edition of AfroBerlin, organised by Yanibes, is a platform for participants to discuss issues with key players in the African film industry and so gather valuable information about the market potential of content by African and Afro-diasporic filmmakers.

>>Learn more about AfroBerlin…

On February 17th 2024 Tsitsi Dangarembga and Gabriele C. Sindler speak about

Pan-African Story | Script | Film Development for a Global Audience

Aspects of intercontinental and intercultural training for experienced filmmakers.

The world is in desperate need of ideas how we can progress as humanity. So far, African films have contributed little to this discourse. We will all benefit from engaging with non-dominant imaginaries embedded in their narratives.

Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Institute of Creative Arts for Progress in Africa (ICAPA Trust) has been committed to the improvement of the film industry on the African continent since 2009. Supporting women in the film business is just as important as the promotion of African stories and their authentic storytelling on big screens around the world.

In 2023, Dangarembga’s Harare-based ICAPA Trust launched a pan-African training series for female-dominated creative teams. The kick-off workshop in Lagos, Nigeria, was facilitated by leading script analysts, story & script writing teachers from DFK FILMS | dfk*script*service, led by Gabriele Sindler. The participants and their projects came from Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, São Tomé and Príncipe, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Tanzania and Nigeria.

The workshop series focuses on:
– Development of Stories & Characters
– Analysis of Screenplays & Films
– Exposé | Treatment & Script Writing
– From screenplay to film production & distribution.

The goal of the further training of film professionals is the successful production and international distribution of feature films and documentaries. Furthermore, the participants are enabled to support each other professionally during the development and production of future projects. The aim is to narrate local stories in a way that they will be watched, understood, and discussed by as many people as possible across the globe.

Tstisi Dangarembga and Gabriele Sindler reflect on their practical efforts in the development of globally appealing African stories, scripts and films by systematically and methodically analyzing their intercultural African-European cooperation.

dfk*script*service supports the Scriptwriting Competition of the SR Socially Relevant™ Film Festival New York 2023

We are happy to support the SR Socially Relevant™ Film Festival New York 2023 as jury member of the of the scriptwriting competition.

The 10th Anniversary Edition of the SR Socially Relevant™ Film Festival New York is celebrated March 16-31, 2023.

SRFF is a film festival that focuses on socially relevant film content, and human interest stories that raise awareness to social problems and offer positive solutions through the powerful medium of cinema. SRFF believes that through raised awareness, expanded knowledge about diverse cultures, and the human condition as a whole, it is possible to create a better world free of violence, hate, and crime.

SRFF is a non-profit film festival that showcases socially relevant films with human interest stories as a response to the proliferation of violence and violent forms of storytelling. SR™ believes in promoting positive social change through the powerful medium of cinema.

YOL – The Full Version | Opening Film @ Moscow Kurdish Film Festival

Opening ceremony and screening of YOL – The Full Version
in Moscow | June 29, 2022 (Wed) | 19:00 | Cinema center “October” HALL 1
screening in  St. Petersburg |  June 29, 2022 (Wed)  | 20:00 | Cinema “Karo 11 Ohta” HALL 5

41 years ago, the Turkish military junta brutally attacked the opposition.  This is closely intertwined with the history of the most famous Turkish film. For decades YOL has moved audiences all over the world. The unfinished version won the most coveted award, the Golden Palm at the 1982 Cannes film festival. One can watch the masterpiece of Turkish-Kurdish film history, complete and restored as “YOL – The Full Version”. This is a must-see for anyone who wants to understand Turks and Kurds – and you will learn a lot about yourself.

The people portrayed in the film are Turkish and Kurdish, but such people are to be found wherever there is a struggle against oppression. They are all prisoners, some behind bars, many are prisoners of their own minds, but all are prisoners of the state.

In its depiction of the living conditions of six prisoners on home leave, YOL portrays an outline of the human landscape of Turkey. We experience how the people are oppressed, in particular, the Kurds and women. The patriarchal structure and its attitude to morality make up part of the repression.

The story is predominantly told through the fate of three prisoners, Seyit Ali, Mehmet Salih and Ömer. Three men who are torn from their daily lives. They had hoped that three days would suffice to forget the humiliation of everyday prison life and solve their most pressing issues at home. These shattered dreams make their crippling circumstances seem all the worse. So much for a glorious life of freedom! Ömer breaks out, Mehmet is shot and Seyit Ali remains a prisoner of his indecision. The struggle for a better life must continue and will last a long time…

Yılmaz Güney, Paris 1982

YOL – Tam Versiyon (2017, Altyazılı)

12 Eylül 1980’de Türkiye’de gerçekleşen ve toplumsal muhalefete vahşice saldıran askeri darbe, Türkiye sinemasının yüz akı olan YOL’un hikayesiyle iç içe geçmiştir. Yıllardır dünyanın pek çok yerinde karşılaştığı sayısız seyircide her zaman bir iz bırakan YOL’un tamamlanmamış versiyonu, 1982 yılında Cannes Film Festivali’nde en büyük ödül olan Altın Palmiye Ödülü’nü kazandı. Türk-Kürt sinema tarihinin bu başyapıtı eksiksiz biçimde restore edildi ve  “YOL – Tam Versiyon“ adıyla yeniden seyircinin karşısına çıktı. Yılmaz Güney’in onur ve tutku, cesaret ve acı, merhamet ve zulüm, dehşet, öfke, aşk ve hayat hakkındaki bu baş döndürücü filmi, 1980’lerden beri güncelliğinden hiçbir şey yitirmedi. Film, Yılmaz Güney’in orijinal kurgu planına göre titiz biçimde yeniden kurgulandı ve Cannes’daki süre kısıtlaması nedeniyle ilk versiyondan çıkarılan bir ana karakter filme yeniden dahil edildi.

Bu filmdeki insanlar Türkler ve Kürtlerdir, ancak bu hikayelerde anlatılan insanları, baskıya karşı mücadele verilen her yerde bulabilirsiniz. Kahramanların hepsi mahpuslardır, bir kısmı demir parmaklıkların, çoğu da kendi ahlak anlayışlarının mahpusudurlar, ancak hepsi devletin hapishanesinde tutulmaktadırlar. YOL, altı mahkumun ev izni için çıktıkları seyahati anlatırken, Türkiye’nin beşeri bir haritasını çiziyor. Bu filmle, insanların, özellikle de Kürtlerin ve kadınların nasıl baskıya uğradığını seyrediyoruz. Ataerkil yapıların ve ahlakın nasıl baskının parçası olduğunu izliyoruz. Hikaye, koşulların onları sürüklediği güzergahlara ilerleyen üç mahkumun, yani Seyit Ali, Mehmet Salih ve Ömer’in yazgıları üzerinden anlatılmıştır. Bu mahkumların umudu, hapishanenin aşağılayıcı koşullarını unutmak ve hanelerindeki en acil meseleleri çözmek için bir haftalık izin süresinin yeterli olmasıdır. Yıkılan hayalleri ise yenilgilerini daha çarpıcı hale getirmektedir. Özgürlük günlerinde takdir görecek bir hayat için çıkarlar bu yola! Ömer devletten kaçar, Mehmet vurulur ve Seyit Ali de kendi tereddüdünün esiri olmaya devam eder. Daha iyi bir hayat için verilen kavga devam etmelidir ve uzun sürecektir…
Yılmaz Güney, Paris 1982


Film&Discussion | 30.11.2021 |

Bundesplatzkino | Berlin


Cooperation of the C.G. Jung Gesellschaft Berlin with the Bundesplatzkino and dfk*films

Tuesday, 30.11.2021 at 20:30

Speaker: Donat Keusch | Gabriele C. Sindler | Moderation: Edith Rosin

Joker | OmU

USA 2019 | 122’ | written by Scott Silver & Todd Phillips & Bob Kane | directed by Todd Phillips |
staring Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Frances Conroy, Zazie Beetz

Surprisingly psychological and realistic the film tells the transformation of Arthur Fleck into the Joker – known as Batman’s antagonist.
A cinematic delight – especially for sceptics of comic book adaptations.

Arthur Fleck lives with his illness-stricken mother in a run-down apartment building. All he wants is to make people laugh, but he is bullied: by his colleagues in a small entertainment company, by drunken Wall Street bankers in the underground and even by a group of teenagers whom he then beats up. THE JOKER by Todd Phillips is the story of a brutalisation and demoralisation in our time. Fleck, alias Joker, is a beaten, maltreated human being with a severe childhood trauma.
This tortured soul is portrayed outstandingly by the emaciated Joaquin Phoenix. He was deservedly honoured with an Oscar for his outstanding acting interpretation in the film surprise of 2019.

The speakers:

Dipl.-Psych. Edith Rosin studied psychology at the Free University of Berlin, was trained as an analyst at the C.G.Jung Institute in Berlin, and has been working in her own practice since 1996. Since 2012, she has been a lecturer in Active Imagination at the Lindau Psychotherapy Days.

Donat Keusch studied psychology and journalism. Experience in film distribution, world sales, production, screenwriting and as a teacher. Most successful film: “Yol – Der Weg” (Golden Palm). For 30 years working as a script analyst/consultant/writer under pseudonym or unnamed. Motto: “The script is the film!”

Gabriele Sindler Political Scientist | Screenplay Expert | Lecturer

Bundesplatz Cinema | Bundesplatz 14 | 10715 Berlin
Contribution to costs: 9,50 € | reduced 8 €

YOL – The Full Version | Berlin | OmU

12. September 2020 | 19.00 | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – open air cinema at FMP1 | Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 | 10243 Berlin

At the occasion of the military coup on September 12, 1980 in Turkey, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation shows “YOL – The Full Version” and organizes a discussion with the producer Donat Keusch.

38 years ago, the Turkish military junta brutally attacked the opposition.  This is closely intertwined with the history of the most famous Turkish film. For decades YOL has moved audiences all over the world. The unfinished version won the most coveted award, the Golden Palm at the 1982 Cannes film festival. One can watch the masterpiece of Turkish-Kurdish film history, complete and restored as “YOL – The Full Version”. This is a must-see for anyone who wants to understand Turks and Kurds – and you will learn a lot about yourself.

The people portrayed in the film are Turkish and Kurdish, but such people are to be found wherever there is a struggle against oppression. They are all prisoners, some behind bars, many are prisoners of their own minds, but all are prisoners of the state.

In its depiction of the living conditions of six prisoners on home leave, YOL portrays an outline of the human landscape of Turkey. We experience how the people are oppressed, in particular, the Kurds and women. The patriarchal structure and its attitude to morality make up part of the repression.

The story is predominantly told through the fate of three prisoners, Seyit Ali, Mehmet Salih and Ömer. Three men who are torn from their daily lives. They had hoped that three days would suffice to forget the humiliation of everyday prison life and solve their most pressing issues at home. These shattered dreams make their crippling circumstances seem all the worse. So much for a glorious life of freedom! Ömer breaks out, Mehmet is shot and Seyit Ali remains a prisoner of his indecision. The struggle for a better life must continue and will last a long time…

Yılmaz Güney, Paris 1982


YOL – Tam Versiyon (2017, Altyazılı)

12 Eylül
Kapı Açılışı: 19:00, Program Başlangıcı: 20:00

Filmin yapımcısı Donat Keusch ile söyleşi

12 Eylül 1980’de Türkiye’de gerçekleşen ve toplumsal muhalefete vahşice saldıran askeri darbe, Türkiye sinemasının yüz akı olan YOL’un hikayesiyle iç içe geçmiştir. Yıllardır dünyanın pek çok yerinde karşılaştığı sayısız seyircide her zaman bir iz bırakan YOL’un tamamlanmamış versiyonu, 1982 yılında Cannes Film Festivali’nde en büyük ödül olan Altın Palmiye Ödülü’nü kazandı. Türk-Kürt sinema tarihinin bu başyapıtı eksiksiz biçimde restore edildi ve  “YOL – Tam Versiyon“ adıyla yeniden seyircinin karşısına çıktı. Yılmaz Güney’in onur ve tutku, cesaret ve acı, merhamet ve zulüm, dehşet, öfke, aşk ve hayat hakkındaki bu baş döndürücü filmi, 1980’lerden beri güncelliğinden hiçbir şey yitirmedi. Film, Yılmaz Güney’in orijinal kurgu planına göre titiz biçimde yeniden kurgulandı ve Cannes’daki süre kısıtlaması nedeniyle ilk versiyondan çıkarılan bir ana karakter filme yeniden dahil edildi.

Bu filmdeki insanlar Türkler ve Kürtlerdir, ancak bu hikayelerde anlatılan insanları, baskıya karşı mücadele verilen her yerde bulabilirsiniz. Kahramanların hepsi mahpuslardır, bir kısmı demir parmaklıkların, çoğu da kendi ahlak anlayışlarının mahpusudurlar, ancak hepsi devletin hapishanesinde tutulmaktadırlar. YOL, altı mahkumun ev izni için çıktıkları seyahati anlatırken, Türkiye’nin beşeri bir haritasını çiziyor. Bu filmle, insanların, özellikle de Kürtlerin ve kadınların nasıl baskıya uğradığını seyrediyoruz. Ataerkil yapıların ve ahlakın nasıl baskının parçası olduğunu izliyoruz. Hikaye, koşulların onları sürüklediği güzergahlara ilerleyen üç mahkumun, yani Seyit Ali, Mehmet Salih ve Ömer’in yazgıları üzerinden anlatılmıştır. Bu mahkumların umudu, hapishanenin aşağılayıcı koşullarını unutmak ve hanelerindeki en acil meseleleri çözmek için bir haftalık izin süresinin yeterli olmasıdır. Yıkılan hayalleri ise yenilgilerini daha çarpıcı hale getirmektedir. Özgürlük günlerinde takdir görecek bir hayat için çıkarlar bu yola! Ömer devletten kaçar, Mehmet vurulur ve Seyit Ali de kendi tereddüdünün esiri olmaya devam eder. Daha iyi bir hayat için verilen kavga devam etmelidir ve uzun sürecektir…
Yılmaz Güney, Paris 1982



dfk*films colleague blogs for Wikipedia:Kurier from the Berlinale 2020

Wikipedia is much more than the world’s known, collectively created online encyclopedia. Deeply hidden in the ecosystem of free knowledge, a lot is flourishing and thriving. So does the Wikipedia Courier. For the BERLINALE there is an EXTRABLATT – a feminist one. We join in!

Since 2003, “Wikipedia Kurier” has been the independent internal newspaper of the Wikipedia community. Not neutral, not encyclopaedical – as Wikipedia usually claims to be. Entertaining, informative, collectively corrected and unbelievably versatile, it reports what moves Wikipedia and Wikipedia authors.

Berlinale Extrablatt – Focus Feminism

The authors also want to make a difference: That’s why BERLINALE EXTRABLATT is less about glitz and glamour. It is mainly about fighting the gender gap in Wikipedia as well as in film, culture and art.

Collaborative writing and editing marathons are held regularly – not only – but always on International Women’s Day. Since 2014, Wikipedia has been writing against the invisibility of women. Under the label Art+Feminism.

So we blog not only about the Berlin Film Festival but also about the Berlinale-Art+Feminism-Edit-a-thon 2020!

numbers | dates | facts – sad but true

Wikipedian Chî wrote a long, notable article on the gender gap in the Wikipedia Kurier on 17.01.20. A short excerpt:

90% of all contributors to Wikimedia projects (WMF) worldwide in 2018 were men – only 9% were women (see gender graphs and other materials on gender distribution).

84 % of biographies in the German-language Wikipedia deal with men: currently 631,741 to 120,398 women (80.95 % gap). The proportion of women is 16.01 % with an increase of 0.6 percentage points since 2018 and 1.4 since 2009.

In the English-language Wikipedia, the proportion of women in over 1.5 million biographies in 2018 was 17.67%.

Projects such as Women in Red and Art+Feminism are working to reduce this gap.

Große Klima-Demo in Berlin 20.09.2019
20. September 2019 | Categories General


dfk*films Kolleg*innen gemeinsam mit 270.000 Menschen bei der Berliner Klima-Demo am 20. September 2019.

Viele großARTige Plakate. Hier unser Favorit.